Our sports program, in partnership with the Saint Sebastian Sports Project, encourages our students to engage in regular physical activity, which is crucial to their physical and mental health. Through team sports, students learn about teamwork, perseverance, and discipline. Regular participation in sports also promotes overall fitness and well-being, helping students focus better in academic settings. Our students are currently participating in cross country, flag football, and volleyball this fall.
At Dolores Mission we offer sports and athletic activities for both boys and girls. We encourage all of our students to join a team sport and to pursue their personal best in whatever they do. We have teacher-coaches who mentor our students in good sportsmanship, athletic techniques, and how to play team and individual sports. We encourage parents to join our coaching program, and are happy to see so many gifted volunteers in all of our sports. If you are interested in enrolling your children, or becoming a parent volunteer for our year-round sports program, please contact the school office.